Scratch Programming

From Bill's Tutorials at


The easiest way to learn how to program is to use Scratch. This is the easiest way to code because no code actually has to be written. Instead Scratch provides a totally visual way of writing programs in which prewritten code blocks are selected and dragged into place to ceate an application. You can't make any typing mistakes but you still have to wrestle with program logic.

Scratch is offered by MIT originally for children but now widely used by beginners to programming of all ages. You can use Scratch on the MIT website and develop your programs online. This gets you into their global network of Scratch programmers and allows you to publish your work on their site. Or you can download the Scratch 2 software which lets you program offline, without an internet connection. You can still publish the programs on the MIT website if you wish.

Hre is an Introduction to Scratch.

Bouncing Ball

Here is Redball, a Scratch application to show a red ball bouncing about on the screen with a bat which the user can apply to the problem of keeping it in the play area. This bat and ball application is an almost traditiional way of introducing programmed animation and user intraction. You can develop this into your own bat and ball game.

More Tutorials

More Scratch turorials will be added from time to time.